Friday, June 27, 2008

Don't Be "Wii"-tarded

my brother got one of these things as a graduation gift. don't get me wrong i had been wanting one, and was extremely elated when i found out that one was waiting for me upon my arrival at home. but not in a million years, would i have thought that i would spend more time shooting shells at various mario characters, or creating digital bobble heads that vaguely resemble my actual appearance, than i would engaging in conversation with other human beings. its kinda pathetic when you become so involved in an extra curricular activity that you forget to do things like eat, go to the bathroom or leave your house. i'm "wii-ning" my self off, in fact some would say i'm in "wii-hab", but all bad (and obvious) jokes aside, this shit is beyond addictive. "wii", would not like too play anymore... to be honest, "wii" would like our lives back.

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